Mud logging

Mud Logging Units
“PenLab” ML Unit / “Geolog” ML Unit / Totco
Mud Logging Unit – Geolog
Logging Unit (9.12 x 2.43 x 2.59m, weight= 11.6 ton)
- internal unit walls, furniture, ceiling made of fireproof CL1 laminates, and exotic phenol waterproof plywood, two fireproof doors and one fireproof window,
- has proper emergency exits with two safety emergency light,
- be air conditioned with two separately systems,
- be of rugged construction and appropriately certified including four lifting eyes for loading and unloading,
- be fitted with hydrocarbon detection and emergency unit power down system,
- be fully furnished with distinct working areas for microscope,
- have an on-line/off-line computer mud logging unit system with off-line computer printer,
- include standard consumables.
The sample preparation area is large enough to perform all sample related procedures from washing and drying the sample for autocalcimetry analysis. The Unit contains a complete set of geological analysis equipment including stereo microscope with camera, fluoroscope and autocalcimeter.
- SAERT 1 Data Acquisition computer, IBM Industrial type, Windows 2000
- SAERT 2 Data Processing and Database Server, IBM Industrial type, Linux
- On-line Workstations (3), Dell P4
- Client Workstations (4), Dell P4
- Virtual printer with three large screen monitors
- EExd ATEX 19” TFT Rig floor Monitor
- Notebook business class Dell P4
- Off-line printer Epson 1530 A3 size
- Off-line laser color printer HP A4 (three in one)
- Mini Telephone central ISDN technology.
Full acquisition software package with many engineer programs. TCP/IP, UTP protocols. Supported ASCII-LAS-WITTS files. High reliability and availability operating system Windows 2000 Server OS. User friendly Windows based client software (GeoDesk) to control and monitoring any aspect of system. Multiusers and multitasking. Standard configurations enable displays by depth shifted for lag time and by time. It is provided alphanumeric and graphical display. Many measured and calculated data can be stored by time or by depth.
- Sonic pit level
- Mud density in and out
- Mud temperature in and out
- Mud resistivity in and out
- Mud flow out – paddle
- Pump pressure
- Casing pressure
- Hook Load
- Rotary torque
- Pump SPM
- Rotary RPM
- Proximity encoder
Gas Detection
- QGM Gas trap,
- GDS – Gas Distribution System,
- FID Total Gas Detector, Range of measurement from 1ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 1ppm, analysis cycle 12 sec, accuracu +/-1%,
- DUAL Fast FID Gas Chromatograph, detects gases from C1 to nC5, range of measurement from 10ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 2ppm, analysis cycle 60 sec, accuracy +/-1% full scale, operative system Windows 2000,
- H2 Generator,
- CO2 Detector: range of measurement 0 to 30%, analysis cycle less than 20 sec, resolution 0,5%,
- H2S Sensors.
- Multi gas hand detector (CH, CO2, H2S, N2, SO2)
- Visual and acoustic Alarms, with configurable thresholds, in MLU as well as on the rig floor.
Final Well Report Contents
1. Well Data
1.1 Well location
1.2 Introduction
1.3 General Well Information
1.4 Rig Specification
1.5 Drilling Contractors
1.6 NIS Naftagas ML Crew
2. Geology
2.1 Geological Notes
2.2 Sampling Frequency
2.3 Formation Tops
2.4 Lithological Description
2.5 Coring, Recovered and Description
2.6 Hydrocarbon Shows
3. Operations
3.1 Well Profile
3.2 Drilling Progress
3.3 Phase Report
3.4 Daily Activity
4. Drilling Data
4.1 Rock Bit Description
4.2 Bottom Hole Assembly
4.3 Drilling Fluid
4.4 FIT, LOT and Logs
4.5 Deviation
4.6 Casing and Cementation Report
“Geolog” software enables to create many different logs with different parameters, according to Company specific needs (Masterlog, Drill Tech log, Gas Ratio log, Pressure Evolution log, Composite log etc.). Logs can be displayed in printing form as well as in PDF format.
Mud Logging Unit – MD Totco
Logging Unit (8.0 x 2.50 x 3.0m, weight= 13.0 ton)
- constructed 1986 and updated 1996 with computer DAQ (Data Acquisition), industrial type,
- internal unit walls, furniture, ceiling made of fireproof material,
- has proper emergency exits,
- be air conditioned with two separately systems,
- be of rugged construction and including four lifting eyes for loading and unloading,
- be fitted with hydrocarbon detection and emergency unit power down system
- be fully furnished with distinct working areas for microscope
- have an on-line/off-line computer mud logging unit system with off-line computer printer.
- include standard consumables
The Unit contains a complete set of geological analysis equipment including binocular microscope, balance, fluoroscope and autocalcimeter.
- Processing computer DAQ, 2xCPU (analog and digital), Motorola serial 68000, T-POT communication, FSK Network,
- Safety barriers for anti explosive protection in accordance with CENELEC rules.
- Notebook Compaq, Pentium 1 for DAQ calibration,
- On-line Workstations (5), Pentium 1 with TFT screens,
- Off-line PC, Pentium 4 for geological data processing with TFT screen,
- Off-line Printer, Canon LBP 2900
- Calconf – DOS software for calibration and configuration
- VIP – DOS software for storage and display on-line data, with possibility to create various screens and printing data,
- VXC – DOS software for monitoring and display data obtained from sensors, available display of alphanumeric data as well as charts, settings of alarms,
- GeoDraft – off-line Windows software for logs creating. Logs can be displayed in printing form as well as in PDF format.
- Float pit level
- Mud density in and out
- Mud temperature in and out
- Mud resistivity in and out
- Mud flow out – paddle
- Pump pressure
- Casing pressure
- Hook Load
- Rotary torque
- Pump SPM
- Rotary RPM
- Shaft encoder
Gas Detection (Real Time, off-line) independent system
- QGM Gas Trap,
- GDS – Gas Distribution System,
- FID Total Gas Detector, Range of measurement from 1ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 1ppm, analysis cycle 12 sec, accuracu +/-1%,
- Fast FID Gas Chromatograph, detects gases from C1 to nC5, range of measurement from 10ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 2ppm, analysis ciclus 60 sec, accuracy +/-1% full scale, operative system Windows 2000,
- H2 Generator,
- CO2 Detector: range of measurement 0 to 30%, analysis cyclus less than 20 sec, resolution 0,5%,
- H2S Detector MC 600 range of measurement from 0 to 100%, analysis cycle 20 sec, resolution 1ppm, with alarms .
FID Total Gas Detector (Core Lab), range of measurement from 1 to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 1ppm, connected with on-line system.
MLU “Totco” used off-line software -“GeoDraft” to create different log types (Masterlog, Drill Tech log, Core log, etc). GeoDraft was created as well log drawing application, designed to run under the Microsoft Windows environment on WIN 98, NT4, 2000 and XP. Its provide full support for custom log formats and graphical data entry for interpreted lithology, lithology modifiers, symbols, fills, comments and descriptions, and more. Also enable data import and export in LAS, ASCII and database formats. Logs can be displayed in printing form as well as in PDF format.
Main product of ML Service is a Final Well Report, in existed or customer’s formats like Word or PDF document. MLU crew consists of two to four people.
Mud Logging Unit – PenLab
Logging Unit (8.0 x 2.50 x 3.0m, weight= 13.0 ton)
- container MD “Totco” updated 2007 with new hardware and new “PenLab” software suite DAI for acquisition and processing,
- internal unit walls, furniture, ceiling made of fireproof material,
- has proper emergency exits,
- be air conditioned with two separately systems,
- be of rugged construction and including four lifting eyes for loading and unloading,
- be fitted with hydrocarbon detection and emergency unit power down system
- be fully furnished with distinct working areas for microscope
- have an on-line/off-line computer mud logging unit system with off-line computer printer.
- include standard consumables
The Unit contains separately sample preparation area with complete set of geological analysis equipment including binocular microscope, balance, fluoroscope and autocalcimeter.
- Industrial Acquisition PC Advantech: 2xCPU Intel P4, 2GB SDRAM, 2xHDD 160GB, LAN UTP 10/100, DVD RW, ISA acquisition cards
- Industrial PC-Network server: 1 x CPU Intel P4, 2Gb SDRAM, DVD-RW, 2 x HDD 160 Gb, LAN UTP 10/100, LAN UTP 10/100 (PCI), Windows XP Professional SP2 (OEM)
- On-line WORKSTATIONS: Pentium IV,
- Off-line WORKSTATIONS: Pentium IV,
- Off-line printer
- Video camera
PenLab is expert system for real-time data acquisition, calculation, monitoring, recording, on and off-line analyzing, reporting and data storage in mud logging services. It also contains several play-back application programs for semi real-time recalculation and data analysis of depth and time data bases. Data presentation: Alphanumeric screens, Graphical screens, Alphanumeric print, Graphical print, different formats (ASCII, WITS, LAS etc)
- Sonic pit level
- Mud density in and out
- Mud temperature in and out
- Mud resistivity in and out
- Mud flow out – paddle
- Pump pressure
- Casing pressure
- Hook Load
- Rotary torque
- Pump SPM
- Rotary RPM
- Proximity encoder
- Binocular Microscope (10x – 40x zoom)
- Autocalcimeter fully automatic, computerized model.
- Ultra – violet light box
- Balance
- Hot plate
- Portable Thermometer
- Set of sieves (2mm, 0.5mm, 0.25mm, 0.063mm)
- Sample bags, chemical, tweezers etc.
- QGM Gas trap,
- GDS – Gas Distribution System,
- FID Total Gas Detector, Range of measurement from 1ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 1ppm, analysis cycle 12 sec, accuracu +/-1%,
- DUALFID High Speed Gas Chromatograph, detects gases from C1 to nC5, range of measurement from 10ppm to 1 000 000ppm, resolution 2ppm, analysis ciclus 60 sec, accuracy +/-1% full scale, operative system Windows 2000,
- H2 Generator,
- CO2 Detector: range of measurement 0 to 30%, analysis cyclus less than 20 sec, resolution 0,5%,
Modified MLU “MD Totco” used on-line application package “PenLab” for Drilling monitoring, Mud logging and off-line data analysis and reporting. “PenLab” software enables to create many different logs with different parameters, according to Company requests (Masterlog, Drill Tech log, Core log, etc). “PenLab” was designed to run under the Microsoft Windows environment (2000 or XP). Its provide full support for custom log formats and graphical data entry for interpreted lithology, symbols, fills, comments, descriptions and more. Logs can be displayed in printing form as well as in PDF format.
Main product of ML Service is a Final Well Report, in existed or customer’s formats, like Word or PDF document. MLU crew consists of four people.